Drug Litigation Attorneys in Missouri
Lexapro® and Pradaxa® Lawyers in St. Louis
At The Roberts Law Firm, P.C., our defective drug litigation lawyers are experienced, responsive and efficient — everything you need when bringing a claim for injuries or side effects related to defective and dangerous drugs.
At our office in St. Louis, Missouri, we have handled numerous pharmaceutical cases. Contact our unsafe drug firm if you have experienced serious side effects as a result of a dangerous drug or defective medical device. Lawyers at our firm offer free consultations and will fight to get you compensation for your injuries.
Experience With Defective Drug Claims
Our defective drug litigation attorneys have litigated cases related to Lexapro® and Pradaxa® as well as the Vioxx® recall and the drug Neurontin®. We have dealt with large pharmaceutical companies for many years in defective drug and product liability claims. We know how to evaluate cases for inclusion in class action lawsuits, trials or multidistrict litigation (MDL), such as the Yaz® and Yasmin® and Ocella® MDL.
Attorneys Who Care, Attorneys Who Listen
As a small firm, we are able to treat new clients as individuals and not just as another case. We keep this firmly in mind throughout the legal process. Attorneys and paralegals will be available to you during the progress of your claim to keep you informed and answer your questions. We will make sure that you understand how the case is moving forward and what the next steps will be.
Our Intake Process — Effectively Obtaining Information
When you consult our team of lawyers about filing an injury claim after taking an unsafe or recalled drug, you will be asked to complete a form detailing the circumstances and extent of your injuries. Our defective drug litigation attorneys will review your form and discuss it with you in person, by e-mail or by telephone — whichever is easiest for you. Then, we will request your medical and prescription records from your doctor. Taking these steps allows us to collect the necessary information to handle your case effectively.
Contact Our St. Louis Lawyers
For more information about Yaz®, Yasmin®, Ocella® or the other drug cases or recalls, our St. Louis, Missouri, lawyers are here to answer your questions. Contact our drug litigation firm for a free initial consultation. Call us at 636-530-9199, toll free at 866-585-4570.
The Roberts Law Firm, P.C., does not intend, by this website or otherwise, to provide medical advice to or dissuade anyone from taking medication without a doctor’s approval. Please consult your doctor on matters relating to your health. It could be dangerous to stop taking medicines, especially abruptly. Patients should talk to their physicians to decide whether the benefits and risks of taking Yaz®, Yasmin® or Ocella® make it the right choice for them.
Please note that no lawsuit will be filed by The Roberts Law Firm, P.C., against your physician or health care provider for claims related to Yaz®, Yasmin® or Ocella®.
Trademark Notice: “Yaz”, “Yasmin” and “Ocella” are registered trademarks.
The Roberts Law Firm, P.C., is in no way affiliated with the Bayer Group or Barr Pharmaceutical, Inc.
The use of this mark is solely for informational and product identification purposes.